Monday 10 March 2014

Magazine Progress

Progress of the Front Cover

These are the screenshots which I took when creating my first mock up of the magazine using Photoshop and InDesign. It started off by measuring the height and width of the inital magazine of which I took inspiration from and based my magazine upon it. I used a ruler and measured each side to get an understanding of what size I wanted my magazine. I then took pictures using my IPhone 4S camera for the main image. This is a series of screen shots that I took to show the progress that my magazine went through from filtering the main image for the black and white effect to the completed front cover.

This is the first screen shot I took and it is simply the main image with the saturation reduced so the main image is black and white. This looks more effective as it will make the masthead and headline as well as other codes and conventions such as the banners stand out and catch peoples eye.

I then created my masthead on Photoshop using 'Elephant' font and merged each letter together to make sure all the letters were joined. I then imposed the masthead behind the band and placed it in the top left-hand corner as this is my house style, similar to NME's.

Following this I applied a bar-code which I got from Google images as well as placing a dark grey rectangle at the bottom of the page for the background of the banner and piped it with a white skinny rectangle as this makes the magazine look more professional. The bar-code placement also follows NME's house style. I then included text following the colour scheme of Black, White and Red and alternated between white and red for the banner at the bottom and used buzz words such as 'Plus' and 'Tours!' to get viewers attention.

Also, I added my headline which I placed center-right of the front cover and making it the same colour as the masthead. I also created my headline using Photoshop, merging the Q and the S as though it is part of the bands logo.

I then included a puff to bring life to the magazine and used The Stone Roses' famous lemon logo, transformed the colour from yellow to red and made it the background of my puff. I then added the text in Stencil font which The Stone Roses famously use. I followed the colour scheme and contrasted each font colour with the red lemon.

I then included additional information to the right of the headline in Elephant font and coloured it white as well as adding an angled banner in the top right-hand corner.

I then finished by adding text to the banner in different fonts using black and red fonts to make it stand out against the white banner. I then finished making the image look more professional by adding a gloss effect and edited out any mistakes.

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