Tuesday 18 March 2014

Analysing Magazine Front Cover, Contents and Double Page Spread - 2. Contents Page

Contents Annotation

This is my analysis of an NME contents page.

I took the picture using my IPhone camera and then used Photoshop to place the blue numbers in order to analyse specific areas of the contents page.

1. Title - The contents pages title is the code and convention that stands out the most. It has the largest font and it is in capital letters. It is placed at the top of the contents page and catches the readers eye immediately.

2. Date - The date tells the reader how old or new the magazine is and is put in italics to make it look different from all other fonts.

3. Main Story - We can tell this is the main story of the magazine, other than the front cover, as it is the largest image and it is also placed in the centre of the magazine with a quote underneath the picture, again put in italics to make it stand out.

4. Promotional offer - This offer is placed at the front of the magazine purposely in order for customers to subscribe and save up to "38%". This offer also stands out as most of the contents in black and white and the red background of the promotional offer stands out. As well as this it gives additional information such as a link to a website and a phone number.

5. Index - This is an index which indicates additional stories and information about the magazine. The numbers are bolder and placed above each word.

Overall the contents page has a structured look and is simplistic yet effective. When looking at the contents page, it looks organised and all images taken are clear and are to a good quality.

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