Tuesday 8 April 2014

Double Page Spreads

These are my double page spreads. I am undecided which one to use as my final double page spread but here they are:

This is the first attempt. I have made some changes since the progress check. This double page spread has some pros and cons and these are:


  • Good image quality
  • Follows house style
  • Sticks to a colour scheme (red, white and black)
  • Original idea and looks similar to Contents Page and Front Cover


  • Looks too similar
  • Not much information
  • Hard to read text at times
  • Too similar to NME

This is the alternative attempt I created. It is similar to the first idea but has some differences. Like the first one, this double page spread also has some pros and cons:


  • Good image quality
  • Sticks to a colour scheme (yellow, white and black)
  • Original idea
  • Differentiates itself from the Contents Page and Front Cover
  • Stands out


  • Looks too similar
  • Not much information
  • Hard to read text at times
  • Too similar to NME
  • Not much of a double page spread

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