Tuesday 1 April 2014

Contents Page Progress- 2.

From what I had made already, my contents page needed the images and so I went out and got the images I need. I took most of them using my IPhone 4S camera and one using the professional camera, which I will use for my front cover main image and double page spread main image

Step 4.

I then added one of my pictures as well as adding a short paragraph underneath the image, explaining the meaning of the image. I also left a fair bit of space from image to the end of the page to the right to create a border effect. I made the images caption bigger and red and then put the short paragraph underneath.

The image and caption can be seen better to the right.

Step 5.

As you can see, I included the remaining images on to the contents page, all which I have taken. I placed and balanced each of the images carefully and made them look as organised as possible. 

Step 6.

As you can see, I included the parts boxed in red. I added all captions and paragraph to each of the images as well as the date underneath the title. The paragraphs make the contents look busy and give useful information for the reader.

Step 7.

I then added the numbers for the page references for the magazine. I used Impact font and boxed the numbers in white.

Step 8.

I then finished by adding my masthead. I placed this st the top of the page, above the title of the contents page. I need to get a main image for my contents page to complete the contents page which I will do soon.

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