Monday 25 November 2013



Ideology is the ideas behind a media text, also known as the secret agenda of its producers. It is important to be able to identify the different ideological discourses that may be present in even an apparently simple photograph. In sociological terms, ideology is a body of ideas or set of beliefs that underpins a process. These types of beliefs are held by groups within society. Media texts always reflect certain values or ideologies though sometimes and we may not be aware of this. Types of ideology are portrayed in these images of my old school building...

The ideology in this image is represented as positive and portrays the building as inviting and welcoming. The sky is blue, bright and clear and the actual building looks inviting and safe to work in as well as a looking like a positive environment and a school which you would want your child to attend.

This image of the school here is a juxtaposition to the one above as it portrays the school as unpleasant. The dark sky makes the image look uninviting and demonic and taken from a low angle, the building looks misshapen and unusual as well as the tree making seem creepy.

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