Monday 23 September 2013

Audience Research Methods

Types of Research

Research is the main source for when making a music magazine and getting readers opinions is the foundation of your magazine. Research lets us discover what people find the most interesting and different types of research distinguish it.

Quantitative Research: Quantitive research is the type of research which is used to get results from a primary source. We can use quantitative research to get the views and thoughts of people so we can guide the product in the right direction. In order to do this, we must get a vast majority of people to take part in surveys and questionnaires to get a range of results which go toward the specific goal.

Qualitative Research: Qualitative research is the type of research in which more open questions are asked to get a bigger understanding and better results. This type of research helps us get understanding of the thoughts and feelings of the audience. Examples of qualitative research is usually done through individual interviews or group discussions.

Data Collected

Primary Research: This type of research is research you taken yourself, involving getting information right from the source. This can be from interviews or questionnaires and is reliable as it is fresh information. However, it takes time and more money is involved. 

Secondary Research: Secondary research is research which has been collected from the past or from other sources. This helps contribute to your own work. Information such as this can be out dated as it is not your own research so it makes it a risk for it to be used as it maybe in use of some one else's research, or maybe copyrighted by someone and this could lead to problems. 

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Understanding what a music magazine is

In this blog, I will discuss what a music magazine is taking into consideration the likes of history and genre, popular music magazines to talk about and also to talk about what the future holds for music magazines in general.

To begin with, a music magazine is dedicated to music and music culture. Such magazines typically include music news, interviews, photos, essays, reviews and albums, concert reviews and occasionally have tour dates and advertisements.  

'Melody Maker' was the one of the first ever music magazines released in June 1926 and inside had the honours list which was the first ever recorded charts. Melody Maker Billboards' first music magazine was issued in 1894 which is the first known.

The most popular music magazine in the UK at the minute is Q magazine. This magazine supports a range of music genres but mainly focuses on Alternative Rock and Indie Rock.  

The most popular music magazine globally is The Rolling Stones which was founded in 1967. My favourite genre of music is Alternative/Classic and Indie rock. NME is my favourite music magazine as it features some of my favourite music artists. These include the likes of Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon, The Killers, The Stone Roses, The Who and The Stereophonics.

I think in the future, the popularity of music magazines will fade as the majority of music lovers may subscribe online or discover music information through social networking sights such as Twitter.


Friday 6 September 2013

Introduction to my blog

Welcome to my blog

In this blog, you will find the majority of my research, planning and evaluation throughout the year. To support the research i will provide videos and images in my blogs. As well as this, I will purchase specific music magazines that focuses on my chosen music genre. This is to get an in depth understanding of the music magazines layout including the likes of:

  • Images and boarders
  • Font and typography
  • placement and layout
  • Information for the front and content

The type of music genre I have chosen to study is alternative rock/indie rock. I have chosen this particular genre because it is my favourite music type. Types of magazines associated with my chosen genre are the likes of NME and Q Magazine. I get these types of magazine's on a regular basis. My Photoshop skills are average but will develop as I progress through the year. Each week I will upload one or more blog informing you of my progress. My favourite bands are the likes of Arctic Monkeys, The Beatles and Kings of Leon.




About me:

  • At the moment I am studying A-level Media, Drama and English Literature.
  • I like keeping on top of my fitness and play football on a regular basis.
  • I also play bass guitar and have a wide range in music taste.
  • I also enjoy attending festivals and concerts e.g. V festival 2013