I have realised this week that some of the text going across my double page spread is too close to the fold in the middle of the page and need to be placed carefully as they will not be seen unless their is a spacing from the fold.
Above is the original double page spread and as you can see, the "h" in "has" on the first line of the quotation will fold inward if the magazine was to be printed, so would the "o" in "for" on the third line of the quotation and the "n" in "found" on the fourth line of the quotation.
You can see where there needs to be editing from where I have placed the yellow arrows to the left and this needs to be fixed so that the magazine looks professional and so that people can actually read it:
Underneath is the newly edited version of the double page spread. I played round with different fonts to give the masthead for the double page spread a new look as well as there needs to be a differentiation in fonts to show range.
I know the font looks silly now but if it was printed it would look better. I changed the "BoneFish" font and chnaged the colour to black to even out the colour scheme as the page was dominated by red. I would print it out but the ink on my home printer needs replacing but this is the double page spread.
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